Web Search #1

Search Topic: American Civil War

Search Terms: American Civil War, Gettysburg

Type of Search: Subject

Search Engine: Yahoo!


Search Terms and Operators Used

Number of Hits

Quality of Hits


Civil War




American Civil War




American Civil War and Gettysburg




WWW CyberGuide Ratings for Content Evaluation

Title of site: Three Days At Gettysburg

Subject of site: Gettysburg

URL (address): http://www.rockingham.k12.va.us/EMS/Gettysburg/Gettysburg.html

Considered for use with (class & grade level):5th and 6th Grade

Specific objective for using this site: Tutorial Tool

Notes on possible uses of this site and URL's for individual site pages:
Teaches day by day events of Gettysburg and the people that were involved in this battle.  Includes Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

Evaluate the Web site you are considering for instructional use according to
the criteria described below. Circle the number which you feel the site
deserves for each category: 5 = Excellent and 1 = Poor.

 1. Speed
     -The home page downloads efficiently enough to         5   4   3   2   1
      use during whole class instruction.
     -The home page downloads efficiently enough to         5   4   3   2   1
      keep students on task during independent/small
      group study.

 2. First impression - general appearance
    -The home page is designed attractively and will        5   4   3   2   1
     entice my students to further exploration.
    -The home page is designed clearly enough to be         5   4   3   2   1
     successfully manipulated by my intended users.

 3.  Ease of site navigation
    -My students will be able to move from page to          5   4   3   2   1
     page, link to link, item to item with ease,
     without getting lost or confused.
    -All links are clearly labeled and serve an             5   4   3   2   1
     easily identified purpose.
    -Links provided to other pages and sites operate        5   4   3   2   1
     efficiently enough to keep my students on task.

4.  Use of graphics/sounds/videos
    -The graphics/sounds/videos are clearly labeled,        5   4  3   2   1
     clearly identified.
    -The graphics/sounds/videos serve a clear purpose       5  4   3   2   1
     appropriate for my intended audience.
    -The graphics/sounds/videos will aid my students in     5   4   3   2   1
     reaching the desired objectives for using this site.

5.  Content/Information
    -This site offers a wealth of information related       5   4   3   2   1
     to my stated objectives.
    -The information is clearly labeled and organized,      5   4   3   2   1
     and will be easily understood by my students.
    -The content of linked sites is worthwhile and          5   4   3   2   1
     appropriate for my intended audience.
    -The content of linked sites adds to the value of       5   4   3   2   1
     this site for achieving my instructional goals.
    -The information providers are clearly identified.      5   4   3   2   1
    -The information providers are reliable.                5   4   3   2   1
    -The content is free of bias, or the bias will be       5   4   3   2   1
     clearly recognized by my students.
    -This site provides interactivity which increases       5   4   3   2   1
     its instructional value.

6.  Currency - The site was recently revised.               5   4   3   2   1

7.  Availability of further information
   -A contact person or address is readily available.       5   4   3   2   1

8. Add the total number of points you awarded to this site and determine your
   overall WWW Cyberguide rating.  For any specific category that did not
   apply to this site, deduct five points from the total possible points.

96  WWWWW's = (100-91 points) - This site is so well-designed, and so
              effectively meets my instructional goals, that I can provide my
              students with general instructions and allow free exploration.

____WWWW's =  (90-76 points) - This site contains good material but a
              site map with specific directions will assist my students in
              reaching the stated objectives.

____WWW's =   (75-61 points) This site contains information that will make
              stops at designated points worthwhile, but students will
              need more structured guidance to reach my instructional goals.
              A list of bookmarks to specific pages and/or links is advisable,
              as is frequent discussion of student progress.

____WW's =    (60-46 points) Although useful information exists at this site,
              its most effective contribution to my objectives will be in
              whole-class instruction where I can guide exploration and keep
              students on task.

____W =       (45-31 points) This site contains a few pieces of information
              that make it a possible alternative when other sources are
              not readily available. Supervised student use is advised.


Web Search #2

Search Topic: American Civil War

Search Terms: American Civil War, Gettysburg

Type of Search: Keyword

Search Engine: Lycos


Search Terms and Operators Used

Number of Hits

Quality of Hits


Civil War




American Civil War




American Civil War and Gettysburg




WWW CyberGuide Ratings for Content Evaluation

Title of site: The American Civil War

Subject of site: American Civil War

URL (address): http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5663/

Considered for use with (class & grade level): 5th and 6th Grade

Specific objective for using this site: Tutorial Tool
Notes on possible uses of this site and URL's for individual site pages:
Good information.  Included games and many links.

Evaluate the Web site you are considering for instructional use according to
the criteria described below. Circle the number which you feel the site
deserves for each category: 5 = Excellent and 1 = Poor.

 1. Speed
     -The home page downloads efficiently enough to         5   4   3   2   1
      use during whole class instruction.
     -The home page downloads efficiently enough to         5   4   3   2   1
      keep students on task during independent/small
      group study.

 2. First impression - general appearance
    -The home page is designed attractively and will        5   4   3   2   1
     entice my students to further exploration.
    -The home page is designed clearly enough to be         5   4   3   2   1
     successfully manipulated by my intended users.

 3.  Ease of site navigation
    -My students will be able to move from page to          5   4   3   2   1
     page, link to link, item to item with ease,
     without getting lost or confused.
    -All links are clearly labeled and serve an             5   4   3   2   1
     easily identified purpose.
    -Links provided to other pages and sites operate        5   4   3   2   1
     efficiently enough to keep my students on task.

4.  Use of graphics/sounds/videos
    -The graphics/sounds/videos are clearly labeled,        5   4   3   2   1
     clearly identified.
    -The graphics/sounds/videos serve a clear purpose       5   4   3   2   1
     appropriate for my intended audience.
    -The graphics/sounds/videos will aid my students in     5   4   3   2   1
     reaching the desired objectives for using this site.

5.  Content/Information
    -This site offers a wealth of information related       5   4   3   2   1
     to my stated objectives.
    -The information is clearly labeled and organized,      5   4   3   2   1
     and will be easily understood by my students.
    -The content of linked sites is worthwhile and          5   4   3   2   1
     appropriate for my intended audience.
    -The content of linked sites adds to the value of       5   4   3   2   1
     this site for achieving my instructional goals.
    -The information providers are clearly identified.      5   4   3   2   1
    -The information providers are reliable.                5   4   3   2   1
    -The content is free of bias, or the bias will be       5   4   3   2   1
     clearly recognized by my students.
    -This site provides interactivity which increases       5   4   3   2   1
     its instructional value.

6.  Currency - The site was recently revised.               5   4   3   2   1

7.  Availability of further information
   -A contact person or address is readily available.       5   4   3   2   1

8. Add the total number of points you awarded to this site and determine your
   overall WWW Cyberguide rating.  For any specific category that did not
   apply to this site, deduct five points from the total possible points.

93  WWWWW's = (100-91 points) - This site is so well-designed, and so
              effectively meets my instructional goals, that I can provide my
              students with general instructions and allow free exploration.

____WWWW's =  (90-76 points) - This site contains good material but a
              site map with specific directions will assist my students in
              reaching the stated objectives.

____WWW's =   (75-61 points) This site contains information that will make
              stops at designated points worthwhile, but students will
              need more structured guidance to reach my instructional goals.
              A list of bookmarks to specific pages and/or links is advisable,
              as is frequent discussion of student progress.

____WW's =    (60-46 points) Although useful information exists at this site,
              its most effective contribution to my objectives will be in
              whole-class instruction where I can guide exploration and keep
              students on task.

____W =       (45-31 points) This site contains a few pieces of information
              that make it a possible alternative when other sources are
              not readily available. Supervised student use is advised.


Web Search #3

Search Topic: American Civil War

Search Terms: American Civil War, Gettysburg

Type of Search: Metasearch

Search Engine: Dogpile

Attempt #1 – Civil War

Search Engines Dogpile Uses

Number of Hits

Quality of Hits




Go To.Com

10 or more


Dogpile Web Catalogue



Dogpile Open Directory







10 or more


Real Names



Direct hit




10 or more





Alta Vista



Attempt #2 – American Civil War

Search Engines Dogpile Uses

Number of Hits

Quality of Hits




Go To.Com

10 or more


Dogpile Web Catalogue



Dogpile Open Directory







10 or more


Real Names



Direct hit




10 or more





Alta Vista



Attempt #3 – American Civil War and Gettysburg

Search Engines Dogpile Uses

Number of Hits

Quality of Hits




Go To.Com

10 or more


Dogpile Web Catalogue



Dogpile Open Directory







10 or more


Real Names



Direct hit




10 or more





Alta Vista




WWW CyberGuide Ratings for Content Evaluation

Title of site: The American Civil War

Subject of site: American Civil War
URL (address): http://www.americancivilwar.com/

Considered for use with (class & grade level): 5th and 6th Grades

Specific objective for using this site: Tutorial Tool

Notes on possible uses of this site and URL's for individual site pages:
Good site.  Lots of information as well as links.  The graphics include people, maps, and flags.  Music.
Evaluate the Web site you are considering for instructional use according to
the criteria described below. Circle the number which you feel the site
deserves for each category: 5 = Excellent and 1 = Poor.

 1. Speed
     -The home page downloads efficiently enough to         5   4   3   2   1
      use during whole class instruction.
     -The home page downloads efficiently enough to         5   4   3   2   1
      keep students on task during independent/small
      group study.

 2. First impression - general appearance
    -The home page is designed attractively and will        5   4   3   2   1
     entice my students to further exploration.
    -The home page is designed clearly enough to be         5   4   3   2   1
     successfully manipulated by my intended users.

 3.  Ease of site navigation
    -My students will be able to move from page to          5   4   3   2   1
     page, link to link, item to item with ease,
     without getting lost or confused.
    -All links are clearly labeled and serve an             5   4   3   2   1
     easily identified purpose.
    -Links provided to other pages and sites operate        5   4   3   2   1
     efficiently enough to keep my students on task.

4.  Use of graphics/sounds/videos
    -The graphics/sounds/videos are clearly labeled,        5   4   3   2   1
     clearly identified.
    -The graphics/sounds/videos serve a clear purpose       5   4   3   2   1
     appropriate for my intended audience.
    -The graphics/sounds/videos will aid my students in     5   4   3   2   1
     reaching the desired objectives for using this site.

5.  Content/Information
    -This site offers a wealth of information related       5   4   3   2   1
     to my stated objectives.
    -The information is clearly labeled and organized,      5   4   3   2   1
     and will be easily understood by my students.
    -The content of linked sites is worthwhile and          5   4   3   2   1
     appropriate for my intended audience.
    -The content of linked sites adds to the value of       5   4   3   2   1
     this site for achieving my instructional goals.
    -The information providers are clearly identified.      5   4   3   2   1
    -The information providers are reliable.                5   4   3   2   1
    -The content is free of bias, or the bias will be       5   4   3   2   1
     clearly recognized by my students.
    -This site provides interactivity which increases       5   4   3   2   1
     its instructional value.

6.  Currency - The site was recently revised.               5   4   3   2   1

7.  Availability of further information
   -A contact person or address is readily available.       5   4   3   2   1

8. Add the total number of points you awarded to this site and determine your
   overall WWW Cyberguide rating.  For any specific category that did not
   apply to this site, deduct five points from the total possible points.

 96 WWWWW's = (100-91 points) - This site is so well-designed, and so
              effectively meets my instructional goals, that I can provide my
              students with general instructions and allow free exploration.

____WWWW's =  (90-76 points) - This site contains good material but a
              site map with specific directions will assist my students in
              reaching the stated objectives.

____WWW's =   (75-61 points) This site contains information that will make
              stops at designated points worthwhile, but students will
              need more structured guidance to reach my instructional goals.
              A list of bookmarks to specific pages and/or links is advisable,
              as is frequent discussion of student progress.

____WW's =    (60-46 points) Although useful information exists at this site,
              its most effective contribution to my objectives will be in
              whole-class instruction where I can guide exploration and keep
              students on task.

____W =       (45-31 points) This site contains a few pieces of information
              that make it a possible alternative when other sources are
              not readily available. Supervised student use is advised.




The search I liked the best was the subject search. It was easy and effective for me to use, and I feel that it would be the same for elementary children. After doing a subject search, you are able to narrow it down to certain keywords.

Doing a metasearch would be too advanced for younger children. The sites I found in all of my searches were relatively good but overwhelming. The sites I found the most appealing were those that were easy to read, had clearly labeled links, and exciting graphics.